WEF Names Amit Paley as aYoung Global Leader
The World Economic Forum named Paley as one of its Young Global Leaders, recognizing him as someone who drives innovation for positive change across civil society. The YGL class is made up of 112 leaders selected from thousands of publicly nominated candidates.
Logo 30
Amit was spotlighted as one of 2019’s Logo30, a list which credits individuals who show pride in unique and provocative ways. This interview details Paley’s efforts to expand the Trevor Project’s digital and chat crisis services in order to serve and support an increased number of LGBTQ youth.
Nonprofit Professional of the Year
Amit Paley was named the 2021 Nonprofit Professional of the Year. His tireless efforts led to the increased capacity of the Trevor Project to prevent suicide in the LGBTQ youth community. Paley’s bold and innovative initiatives guided the organization through the Covid-19 pandemic, expanding services to at-risk youth during these challenging years.